Relationship Weekend Registration

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Join us for Relationship Weekend

This year's theme is Flourish: Spring Forth Unashamed


Singles, join us on Friday, March 26 at 7:00pm for First Comes Love and let's dig into a conversation on romantic relationships and discover God's heart for singles in a world that has drastically changed.

Married women, join us on Saturday, March 27 at 10am for Wifestyle Weekend. Join us for conversation, inspiration and clarification on one of your MOST important roles in life.

We will dive into Kingdom principles that have the power to change your entire home and your marriage.


Early Bird Registration  $20 (February 19th-March 19th)

General Registration $25 (March 20th-March 26th)


Invite a friend to join us! 

Social distancing and safety protocols will be followed and capacity will be limited.

Flourish, and walk unashamed into your next season. We look forward to having you! 

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
The registration fees are:

Early Bird Registration $20 (February 19th-March 19th) 
General Registration $25 (March 20th-March 26th)

I also acknowledge that I forfeit the registration fee if I decide not to attend.
Please select all that apply.
I acknowledge that I am responsible for paying the registration fee  by Thursday, March 25th by contacting our office at 825-2987.
Please select all that apply.
I understand that there is limited capacity due to social distancing and payment must be received to secure my registration. Once capacity is reached, registration will be closed.   
Please select all that apply.


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